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Q.674plainScripting::Perl::How to declare and initialize 2-dimensional array.
Q.428plainScripting::Perl::How to declare and use functions.
Q.563plainScripting::Perl::How to define a subroutine to find maximum and minimum.
Q.228plainScripting::Perl::How to display all elements in a HASH.
Q.229plainScripting::Perl::How to display all elements in a LIST.
Q.632plainScripting::Perl::How to download specific table, row, column of a table from a website.
Q.931plainScripting::Perl::How to extract IP addresses from a text file.
Q.731plainScripting::Perl::How to extract directory from path info.
Q.630plainScripting::Perl::How to extract specific table , row, col from html tables.
Q.2148plainScripting::Perl::How to get date info of files.
Q.76richtextScripting::Perl::How to get date information of files.
Q.427plainScripting::Perl::How to get system date and time using Perl.
Q.673plainScripting::Perl::How to initialize array and hash references.
Q.252plainScripting::Perl::How to list a directory.
Q.844plainScripting::Perl::How to list a directory and filter specific file patters.
Q.238plainScripting::Perl::How to lock files for exclusive use.
Q.607plainScripting::Perl::How to loop thru a hash given its hash reference.
Q.2150plainScripting::Perl::How to manipulate directories.
Q.465plainScripting::Perl::How to negate a charater in regular expressions.
Q.1059plainScripting::Perl::How to obtain local computer name for Windows based computers.
Q.397plainScripting::Perl::How to obtain the current working directory.
Q.82richtextScripting::Perl::How to open files with open().
Q.638plainScripting::Perl::How to pass a hash to a subroutine.
Q.642plainScripting::Perl::How to pass array reference to a subroutine.
Q.407plainScripting::Perl::How to process the output of an operating system command.
Q.667plainScripting::Perl::How to program and parse commandline options using forward-slash.
Q.1726richtextScripting::Perl::How to read arguments from the command line.
Q.81richtextScripting::Perl::How to read one line at a time from a text file.
Q.2169plainScripting::Perl::How to read one line at a time from a text file.
Q.489plainScripting::Perl::How to remove trailing blanks from a string.
Q.578plainScripting::Perl::How to replace a random string delimited by a start and end pattern.
Q.670plainScripting::Perl::How to return a hash from a subroutine.
Q.679plainScripting::Perl::How to send mail using Net : : SMTP from ActivePerl distribution - v2.
Q.683plainScripting::Perl::How to send mail using Net : : SMTP from ActivePerl distribution - v2 addendum.
Q.398plainScripting::Perl::How to send mail with attachment using Net : : SMTP.
Q.349plainScripting::Perl::How to skip lines in data file with specific pattern.
Q.488plainScripting::Perl::How to skip processing errors from operating system command.
Q.96richtextScripting::Perl::How to sort a hash by its values.
Q.576plainScripting::Perl::How to sort a hash by its values.
Q.459plainScripting::Perl::How to specify the reference to a variable.
Q.1092plainScripting::Perl::How to split a string containing meta charaters such as \.
Q.685plainScripting::Perl::How to split strings with special characters as delimiters.
Q.231plainScripting::Perl::How to strip spaces from the beginning or end of a string.
Q.570plainScripting::Perl::How to use Wscript objects.
Q.227plainScripting::Perl::How to use chdir.
Q.2149plainScripting::Perl::How to use pattern match, search operator.
Q.643plainScripting::Perl::How to use regular expressions to match IP address in a string.
Q.626plainScripting::Perl::How to use session cookies to login to website.
Q.429plainScripting::Perl::How to use system environment variables.
Q.77richtextScripting::Perl::How to use the pattern match operator m//.
Q.577plainScripting::Perl::How to use the sort function.
Q.2153plainScripting::Perl::How to view perl manuals as plain text document.
Q.79richtextScripting::Perl::How to view perl manuals as plain text document.
Q.78richtextScripting::Perl::How to work with directories.
Q.1051plainScripting::Perl::Network::How to define a function to perform ping.
Q.569plainScripting::Perl::OLE::How to create new COM object using OLE package.
Q.1398plainScripting::Perl::RegExp:: How to write a search and replace script.
Q.634plainScripting::Perl::RegExp::How to add URL base to a relative URL in HTML anchor tag.
Q.658plainScripting::Perl::RegExp::How to extract an array of matches from multiple line string.
Q.757plainScripting::Perl::Regular Expression::How to count number of leading pipe character.